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Hexo Aurora Docs | Hexo Aurora Docs (tridiamond.tech)在 三钻 Benny X Guo | 三钻 Benny X Guo 页面
首页 语言设置cn会hexo g报错
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页尾备案代码留空依旧显示 个人页面图标引用不成功 hexo的页面添加图片好麻烦
GitHub Action
hexo d 命令git 上传的像是输出html网页 另一个hexo项目应该是直接配置了源码
name: Build Hexo Pages
- main # 默认分支
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
contents: write
- uses: actions/checkout@v2
- name: Use Node.js 20.4.0 # 配置 NodeJs
uses: actions/setup-node@v2
node-version: "16"
- name: Cache NPM dependencies # 安装 Npm 依赖
uses: actions/cache@v2
path: node_modules
key: ${{ runner.OS }}-npm-cache
restore-keys: |
${{ runner.OS }}-npm-cache
- name: Install Dependencies # 安装 Hexo 依赖
run: npm install
- name: Build # 构建 Hexo 环境
run: npm run build
#- name: Deploy # 部署到当前项目的网页上
# uses: peaceiris/actions-gh-pages@v3
# with:
# github_token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
# publish_dir: ./public
- name: Configure Git # 配置 Git, 用于把网页推送到另一个项目上
DEPLOY_PRI: ${{secrets.DEPLOY_PRI}} # 这里就是刚刚配置的私钥了
GIT_USERNAME: xialio # Github 用户名,这里用了 Actions 自带的变量
GIT_EMAIL: a1356281880@hotmail.com # 邮箱, 可以写自己的邮箱
run: |
sudo timedatectl set-timezone "Asia/Shanghai"
mkdir -p ~/.ssh/
echo "$DEPLOY_PRI" > ~/.ssh/id_rsa
chmod 600 ~/.ssh/id_rsa
ssh-keyscan github.com >> ~/.ssh/known_hosts
git config --global user.name '$DEPLOY_PRI'
git config --global user.email '$DEPLOY_PRI'
- name: Commit Blog # 提交文档到 Git 仓库
GIT_URL: 'git@github.com:xialio/hexoBlogFile.git' # 把它换成项目的地址,注意要用 SSH 格式的
run: |
cd public
git init
git remote add origin $GIT_URL
git add -A
git commit -m "Blog auto generated. Time: $(date +'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')"
- name: Push blog # 推送
run: |
cd public
git push origin HEAD:gh-pages --force
ssh-rsa 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 a1356281880@hotmail.com
在 GitHub Pages 上部署 Hexo
| |
|name: Pages <br> <br>on: <br> push: <br> branches: <br> - main # default branch <br> <br>jobs: <br> build: <br> runs-on: ubuntu-latest <br> steps: <br> - uses: actions/checkout@v4 <br> with: <br> token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} <br> # If your repository depends on submodule, please see: https://github.com/actions/checkout <br> submodules: recursive <br> - name: Use Node.js 20.16.0 <br> uses: actions/setup-node@v4 <br> with: <br> # Examples: 20, 18.19, >=16.20.2, lts/Iron, lts/Hydrogen, *, latest, current, node <br> # Ref: https://github.com/actions/setup-node#supported-version-syntax <br> node-version: "20" <br> - name: Cache NPM dependencies <br> uses: actions/cache@v4 <br> with: <br> path: node_modules <br> key: ${{ runner.OS }}-npm-cache <br> restore-keys: \| <br> ${{ runner.OS }}-npm-cache <br> - name: Install Dependencies <br> run: npm install <br> - name: Build <br> run: npm run build <br> - name: Upload Pages artifact <br> uses: actions/upload-pages-artifact@v3 <br> with: <br> path: ./public <br> deploy: <br> needs: build <br> permissions: <br> pages: write <br> id-token: write <br> environment: <br> name: github-pages <br> url: ${{ steps.deployment.outputs.page_url }} <br> runs-on: ubuntu-latest <br> steps: <br> - name: Deploy to GitHub Pages <br> id: deployment <br> uses: actions/deploy-pages@v4|
| name: Pages <br> <br>on: <br> push: <br> branches: <br> - main # default branch <br> <br>jobs: <br> build: <br> runs-on: ubuntu-latest <br> steps: <br> - uses: actions/checkout@v4 <br> with: <br> token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} <br> # If your repository depends on submodule, please see: https://github.com/actions/checkout <br> submodules: recursive <br> - name: Use Node.js 20 <br> uses: actions/setup-node@v4 <br> with: <br> # Examples: 20, 18.19, >=16.20.2, lts/Iron, lts/Hydrogen, *, latest, current, node <br> # Ref: https://github.com/actions/setup-node#supported-version-syntax <br> node-version: "20" <br> - name: Cache NPM dependencies <br> uses: actions/cache@v4 <br> with: <br> path: node_modules <br> key: ${{ runner.OS }}-npm-cache <br> restore-keys: \| <br> ${{ runner.OS }}-npm-cache <br> - name: Install Dependencies <br> run: npm install <br> - name: Build <br> run: npm run build <br> - name: Upload Pages artifact <br> uses: actions/upload-pages-artifact@v3 <br> with: <br> path: ./public <br> deploy: <br> needs: build <br> permissions: <br> pages: write <br> id-token: write <br> environment: <br> name: github-pages <br> url: ${{ steps.deployment.outputs.page_url }} <br> runs-on: ubuntu-latest <br> steps: <br> - name: Deploy to GitHub Pages <br> id: deployment <br> uses: actions/deploy-pages@v4 |